
Creative Reading Atomic Pollution
[Info - Promo - protest - free downloads ]
[DIY - anarcho - punk - HC - crust - powerviolence - grindcore]

Our blog supports and promotes the international Anarcho // D.I.Y. community and its values. It contains free downloads (free digital distro), info on shows, random info , protest flyers /slogans. If you want to be featured.. feel free to send your info to:

We are against capitalism and fascism, which are the greatest problems in the world today .    So thanx to all those who contribute and share their stuff for free to our society, whether it is music or a zine or something completely different, those people show us that another world IS possible. every free contribution is a small step towards the creation of a free world. 
So... join the fight to destroy capitalism, and what's a better weapon then FREE stuff ?
Be part of the gift-economy and help to make the world a better place,
where there's NO room for capitalism !!!

Pay attention, educate yourself !

Question and criticize authority and take steps to thwart their fascist agenda!

Know that no government fights fascism to destroy it.
When the bourgeoisie sees that power is slipping out of its hands,
it brings up fascism to hold onto their privileges .

And know that a hierarchical society is only possible 
on the basis of poverty and ignorance.

Boycott corporate power! 

fascism has been perceived to be a last resort weapon of the privileged
to ensure the maintenance of wage slavery .

Only one needs to be present for slavery to exist . Someone is in slavery if they are:
-forced to work - through mental or physical threat;
-owned or controlled by an 'employer',
usually through mental or physical abuse or the threat of abuse;
-dehumanized, treated as a commodity or bought and sold as 'property';
-physically constrained or has restrictions placed on his/her freedom of movement.

So …  it's up to us to destroy fascism and capitalism today, for a better tomorrow  !!!
Oppose and fight capitalism and fascism to destroy it whenever you can !!!


support DIY , support anarchism..
(Atomic Pollution D.I.Y. Anarcho punk)